Well....46 days till baby Deines! Baby is growing so fast, my belly is changing almost daily! I decided to start a blog to talk about baby and all the fun, exciting, and strange stuff that is going on.
Here is a funny for day 46! I woke up to a Charlie Horse this morning at 5am! I am yelling out in pain, but Derek does not wake up. I can't reach for my foot (to bend it backwards, people say that helps) because my arm is asleep! So I am hitting him with an arm with no feeling (oops, hope it wasn't too hard) and his response, you ask... He rolls over and puts his arm around me saying, "It's okaaaayyyyy". THAT'S ALL??? THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY??? LOL He was completely asleep, but still soo caring, right? That's okay....we still love Daddy!! My screaming definitely woke up baby because it was bouncing all around after the pain went away, sorry baby!